
How to Find the Best NY Traffic Ticket Lawyer for You

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Simply the Best New York State Speeding and Traffic Court Defense Law Firm for You!

You want the absolute best lawyer to represent you in New York traffic court to defend against a speeding ticket or other moving violation. However, finding the best New York speeding and traffic court defense lawyer is like trying to compare competing mattresses. It is very difficult because traffic ticket defense is a science unto its own and both mattresses and traffic court lawyers are not things which are purchased with any regularity. This article aims to provide some benchmarks and indicators so that you can gauge the quality of a NY traffic court defense lawyer from against that of a fly by night operation, enabling you to hire only the very best traffic and speeding ticket defense lawyer in New York state.


First and foremost, when you view an attorney’s web site, it is apparent to you that the law firm specializes in New York traffic court defense, or does it advertise traffic, matrimonial, estate planning, personal injury, and who knows what else? The issue on specialization is a simple one – upon feeling chest pains you wouldn’t go to an ophthalmologist, you would go to a cardiologist. You want the same NY traffic ticket defense specialist when defending a speeding or traffic ticket. One of the hallmarks of being simply the very best at defending speeding tickets is whether the law firm specializes in traffic and speeding defense exclusive of all other areas of law. In looking at an attorney web site it should jump off of the paging screaming “New York traffic court defense lawyer. If it does not, it cannot be the best New York Traffic Court defense firm.

Authority on the Subject

Finding a law firm that specializes in NY traffic court defense is just the beginning. Next, you have to critically review the content of the web site. Does it have bare boned generalized information, or does it have detailed articles and content regarding specific traffic law issues. One rule of thumb is when looking at a web site ask yourself if the site merely tells you what it can do for you and where it can do it, or does it have pages and articles explaining the process and procedure and various areas and issues in speeding and traffic law. Law firms whose web sites are authoritative on New York speeding ticket defense and law are the firms that are the best NY traffic court law firms.

Another thing to look for to determine if a New York traffic court lawyer is the best is whether the principal or lawyers from the firm are published outside of the law firm’s web site. In our case, we are a regular contributor to the Westchester County Bar Association Magazine モWestchester Lawyerヤ

Breadth of Geographical Area Covered

The best and most professional and effective traffic court defense law firms and lawyers cover the entire state and not just a small portion. Being a traffic court lawyer is a service business, and the infraction is by its very nature a transient one. One telltale sign that a traffic court lawyer is the best at what he does in traffic court and is not a criminal defense lawyer taking a few traffic cases on the side for extra money is whether you can rely on that law firm to represent you throughout the State of New York. Looking again to our firm, we are licensed not only in New York, but in Connecticut and Vermont as well. Further, there is not a court in that trilogy of states that our law office does not cover.

Third Party Testimonials

The best speeding and traffic court lawyers have many happy clients who give public third party testimonials. For example, you can check pout our testimonials page here or go to to view and read what past clients say about us.

Money Back Guarantee

Nothing says that you are dealing with simply the best, top rated NY traffic court defense lawyer when they offer a money back guarantee. Many lawyers will tell you it’s unethical. It isn’t, and you can see our firm’s money back guarantee on this page.

Represents clients before the NYS DMV

A traffic matter is judicial as well as administrative. This means that being convicted of a NY traffic ticket triggers administrative penalties as well by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. These include points, suspensions, revocations, and the like. This can be a bureaucratic nightmare, as there are over 110 reasons a driver’s license can be suspended or revoked. Often times the suspension or revocation has nothing to do with an underlying court action.

A main part of the service our practice provides is representing motorists against administrative actions commenced by the Department of Motor Vehicles. We are also one of the few non-government entities that has direct access to the NYS DMV licensing and registration database. We represent motorists before the NYS DMV against many issues that may result in suspension, revocation, and loss of driving privileges. These include:

  • Fatality hearings
  • Chemical test refusal hearings
  • Restoring a license / driving privileges after revocation due to:
    • Insurance lapse
    • Revocations due to speeding convictions
  • Appeals from adverse findings of:
    • Chemical test refusal
    • Fatality hearings
    • Speeding and traffic convictions before the NYS DMV TVB
  • Removing arrest warrants and suspensions due to failing to answer traffic tickets in various courts.
  • Application for reinstatement to the NYS DMV Driver Improvement Unit
  • Correcting incorrect driving history abstract records which are preventing re-licensing

Attorney and Law Firm Accessibility

The last touchstone of whether the NY traffic ticket defense law firm you are contemplating retaining to represent you is really the best is the responsiveness of the law firm to your e-mails, calls, and other inquiries. A professionally run practice is paramount in the traffic ticket defense area, because it is your lawyer only that goes to court. Since the law firm is there for you if the law firm fails to appear it is you that failed to appear. This can trigger license suspensions, arrest warrants, and the need for bonds and monies to be paid before the matter can go forward.

The law firm you are contemplating retaining should not be work off of a wing and a prayer with a cell phone and briefcase. The phone should be promptly answered 24 / 7 by a live person, not an answering machine. With the volume of the practice you are not going to get an attorney on the phone on the first call all of the time. However, the support staff should be knowledgeable, conversant, and trained to the point that they can explain your situation, the service, and the framework of what the firm can do for you, and send you information and the retainer documents to review. An attorney of the firm should always reach out to you within 24 hours of your initial contact and consultation to ensure that all of your questions are answered.

These are minimum basic requirements that all professional traffic court lawyers should adhere to. If a lawyer or law firm is so disorganized, uncaring, cavalier, unresponsive, etc., about answering their phone, responding to e-mails, and consulting with potential clients before they have been retained, it should scare you to think of how they will treat you after they have your money.