Cortlandt Town Court
Don’t plead guilty. Call (877) 996-6849 Do you want to be burdened with points on your license and insurance increases because of a speeding ticket or other traffic ticket in Cortlandt Manor, NY?
Cortlandt Town Court
One Heady St.
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10566-1244
The Cortlandt Town Court is in the County of Westchester in the State of New York. The court handles speeding tickets (NY VTL § 1180), cell phone / electronic device tickets (NY VTL § 1225), failure to yield / move over tickets (NY VTL § 1144-A), and unsafe lane change tickets (NY VTL § 1128) written in the Town of Cortlandt. The court also handles auto crime cases such as aggravated unlicensed operation (NY VTL § 511), and cases that trigger license revocations such as uninsured operation (NY VTL § 319).