Zealous Advocacy Is Only a Click Away
Representing Clients in Traffic Matters Since 2002
NY Traffic Ticket Lawyers
Free Consultation
- Explanation of the Traffic Summons
- Getting Help with a Traffic Ticket
- Speeding Ticket Defense
- NY State Cell Phone Law
- Electronic Device Law
- Move Over Law
NY DMV and Insurance Demerit System Points
New York State Aggravated Unlicensed Operation
How to Get Your NYS Driver's License Restored After Suspension
Our mission is to provide zealous and cost-effective advocacy and representation to the motoring public in order to protect our client’s driving history to prevent license suspensions, insurance increases, and criminal convictions.
If you have been pulled over by a police officer and issued a traffic ticket, you have rights to assert. These include the right to discovery and disclosure, as well as rights constitutional rights under the NYS and US Constitutions.
At Palumbo & Associates, PC, our NY traffic ticket lawyers are dedicated to vigorously defending drivers who find themselves with criminal traffic charges such as driving while license us suspended under NY VTL § 511, and non-criminal traffic charges such as speeding under NY VTL § 1180. We assist and represent clients in the people from White Plains City Court, Harrison Town Court, and other town, village, and city courts throughout Westchester County and anywhere in NY State. We defend clients against charges such as speeding, reckless driving, uninsured operation, failure to yield/move over, cell phone use, aggravated unlicensed operation, and other violations.
Initially headquartered in Mamaroneck, NY and now in in Rye, NY, our attorneys devote all their energies to fighting NY speeding tickets, moving violations, and traffic crime, and defend and represent drivers from throughout New York State. Our goal is to offer each of our clients the comfort and peace of mind that comes with having a team of experienced legal professionals advocating for your rights.
We are a dedicated team of New York traffic ticket attorneys whose goal is to fight on behalf of the motoring public. Headquartered in Rye, NY, we provide full service to our clients as well as a full array of services anywhere in the State of NY. If you are charged with a traffic infraction, our office goes to court for you so that you do not have to. If you have been arrested for driving while intoxicated, reckless driving, aggravated unlicensed operation, or any other traffic crime, our goal is to prevent you from having a permanent criminal history and to get you the best possible deal to keep you on the road and your insurance rates low.
Our office can also represent you before the NYS DMV in administrative actions such as safety bureau hearings, fatality hearings, DWI chemical test refusal hearings, and applications to reinstate your driver’s license and/or appeal a license application denial. We also represent motorists in Coram Nobis proceedings to expunge prior criminal and infraction convictions that are affecting their ability to get re-licensed or a job.
Oftentimes, motorists call us who have left New York State years ago or were here and had a motor vehicle incident that is still open. They usually find out about this upon attempting to renew their out-of-state license when the DMV advises them that there is a hold on their renewal for an open issue in New York. Our strategically located office in Mamaroneck can retrieve your records from the NYS DMV and create for you a simple roadmap to the resolution of your NY issues in order to clear your record so that you can re-establish driving privileges here and elsewhere.

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These are not just punch lines but words we live by. We provide convenience by getting your court appearance waived so you never have to set foot into court or deal with this after retaining our services. We provide ease by making the process of retaining us simple. We email you 2 documents that you sign and mail back to us with the ticket, and that’s it. You’re done. After that, we do everything for you so that you do not have to. We provide peace of mind by offering you a money-back guarantee to reduce or eliminate the points. In fact, we are the only firm in Mamaroneck and New York State to make such a guarantee. Check our money-back guarantee page for details.
We have been doing this for so long that we already know what you want. You don’t want to hear a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo, platitudes, and ten-dollar words. You want to know if you can get the job done for me and what it is going to cost. Without even knowing your case, we can say, “YES. We CAN DO the job for you, and our prices are affordable and cost-effective.”
Here at Palumbo & Associates, PC, our New York traffic ticket lawyers never talk to clients in legalese. So that you can make the best possible choice as to whether it is better to hire a lawyer or go to it alone, we always consult with and explain things to people in plain English. After our free, no-obligation phone consultation, you will have a clear understanding of the charges against you, your situation, and whether or not it makes sense for you to hire our office.
Our law office offers convenience, ease, and certitude of a positive outcome. We will represent you in any court in the State of New York. we get your court appearance waived so you do not have to take time off. We give you piece of mind by giving you a money back guarantee.
Call us toll free at 1-877-99-NO-TIX 1(877) 996-6849 or e-mail. We need your name, the name of the court, the charge(s), and if a speeding ticket the speed limit and the speed charged. You can e-mail us, scan and e-mail the ticket, or fax it to us at (914) 777-2999. Don’t wait, do it today!