Our law firm appears in court for you so that you do not have to personally appear

This is going to be a very brief blog article, because this added value to the legal services our NY State speeding and traffic ticket defense firm provides is already highlighted throughout our web site. When you hire our office, we appear in court for you so that you do not have to take off time from work to make any court appearances. In today’s climate of the spread of coronavirus, our law firm keeps you safe as well as prevents insurance increase and license suspensions.

In addition to not having to personally appear in court, you will never have to come to our office either. We consult you on the phone, e-mail you the retainer letter which you print and sign and scan and e-mail back to us with the speeding ticket. We also provide a secure portal for you to make credit card payment online.

We have always offered this convenient hassle free service. It is a primary reason that you obtain the value you do when you hire our New York, NY cell phone and speeding ticket defense lawyers and attorneys.

If you or someone you know been given a speeding ticket or charged with a moving violation anywhere in the State of NY, give us a call right now. We answer our phones 24 / 7. Talking to people about their legal problems and needs is something we do every day, and we’d love to hear from you!


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Michael Palumbo devised a plan to bring affordable, skilled legal representation to all drivers. His firm charges one low flat fee, not a high up front fee and additional fees for hearings and trials. Their representation is so hassle free that you never have to take time off from work to go to court or even come to their office. They offer a money back guarantee in most cases if they don’t reduce or eliminate the points from what you are charged.

These are just a few of the ways Michael Palumbo works on your behalf. Give them a call now at their toll free number (877) 996-6849 for a free phone consultation.