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New York Traffic Tickets
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NY Traffic Tickets
NY Speeding and Traffic Ticket Defense
If you received a New York State speeding ticket or moving violation, you have come to the right place. Our New York speeding and traffic ticket defense lawyers are professional. All we do is represent motorists accused of traffic infractions, including speeding, NY VTL § 1180, cell phone, NY VTL § 1225, red light, NY VTL § 1172, and all other moving violations. Call us at Palumbo & Associates to speak to an experienced ticket defense attorney.
Our NY traffic ticket practice was founded by Michael Palumbo, a former police officer. He and his New York traffic court lawyers know the ins and outs of fighting a NY traffic ticket, defending against a NY traffic ticket conviction, and protecting your rights.
If you have received a ticket and found us, you are probably looking to keep your insurance premiums low. Perhaps you are looking to keep points off of your license. You may also be seeking to avoid a license suspension or defense against a traffic crime such as reckless driving. If these are your goals, we are here to meet them for you.
Our office offers full-service traffic ticket defense throughout New York State. In addition, we offer the following services for convenience, ease, and peace of mind:
- We can represent you in any NY traffic court
- We offer a money-back guarantee (in most cases)
- We go to court for you, so you don’t have to
- We do not require that you come to our office
- In most cases, we charge one low retainer amount
Whatever investment you will make with us, our price structure is geared to save you money, and our service is here to save you time and provide you with the peace of mind you want and deserve.
Often a speeding ticket conviction (NY VTL § 1180) can cause a license suspension or an additional fine, called a “driver safety assessment,” directly from the DMV. This is not apparent when dealing with the court, as these are administrative punishments separate and apart from the court action and the punitive nature of the charge. Our NY traffic court lawyers know what we can and cannot negotiate in a plea in order to prevent a license suspension, excessive fines, and insurance increases.
We will defend you regardless of what you are charged with. Common charges we defend include:
- Move over law (NY VTL § 1144-A)
- Running a stop sign (NY VTL § 1172)
- Running a red light (NY VTL § 1111)
- Lane violation (NY VTL § 1128)
- Passing a stopped school bus (NY VTL § 1174)
- Following too closely / tailgating (NY VTL § 1129)
- Crime of reckless driving (NY VTL § 1212)
- Crime of aggravated unlicensed operation (NY VTL § 511)
- Crime of operating on a suspended registration (NY VTL § 512)
- Driving without a license (NY VTL § 509)
- Operating without insurance (NY VTL § 319)
- Failure to signal (NY VTL § 1163)
- Failure to obey a traffic control device (NY VTL § 1110(a))
- Speeding (NY VTL § 1180)
- Any other NY traffic ticket or violation
We are New York’s exclusive trial lawyers when it comes to speeding and traffic tickets. We provide one-stop shopping for all your speeding and traffic ticket defense services. If you receive a ticket when driving home from work on Long Island and your son receives a ticket while away at college at SUNY Binghamton, we can represent both you and your son.
Ask us about our multi-case discounts! Ask us about our driving record repair program! Often our clients have more than one traffic ticket case going at a time. We always extend a discount to those who retain us for multiple cases!
Many NY motorists made a mistake in the past of pleading guilty “as charged” by mail and without the benefit of legal counsel. Our office has a special program to remediate archaic convictions on your record that are causing a present license suspension or revocation. In the law, the device is known as a “Coram Nobis” motion. However, rather than confuse people with fancy Latin phrases, we just call it the Palumbo & Associates “Do Over Program.” That’s correct. We can go back to a court where you previously entered a plea of guilty and do a “Do Over” to get that conviction and the problem it is causing you erased from your driving record!
Our law office offers convenience, ease, and certitude of a positive outcome. We will represent you in any court in the State of New York. We get your court appearance waived, so you do not have to take time off. We give you peace of mind by giving you a money-back guarantee.
Call us toll-free at (877) 99-NO-TIX (1-877-996-6849) or email. We need your name, the name of the court, the charge(s), and if you have a speeding ticket, the speed limit, and the speed charged. You can email us, scan and email the ticket, or fax it to us at (914) 777-2999. Don’t wait, do it today!