New York Traffic Violation Defense Lawyer
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Palumbo & Associates, PC, your New York Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyer
Many people fail to realize that when you put a check in the mail with your traffic ticket that you are pleading guilty as charged to the offense. That you are turning a mere allegation into legal fact with unforeseen consequences. Before making that mistake consider the fact that pleading guilty “as charged” may very well be the first step toward losing your driver's license.
Many people believe that a traffic violation is a minor issue. Many people respond by paying a speeding ticket or some other traffic ticket by mail by pleading guilty as charged. While that may be a simply way to forget about it, New York motorists need to be aware of the impact that a speeding ticket conviction can have on their ability to not only drive but also maintain the lowest auto insurance rates.
In addition, accruing 11 or more points in and 18 month period in New York subjects a motorist to a driver’s license or privilege suspension. If a motorist is convicted of 3 speeding charges received within 18 months, their New York license and / or privileges will be revoked for a minimum of 6 months. Proactively fighting all New York speeding tickets and moving improves your chances of not having to suffer an insurance increase, suspension, or revocation.
At Palumbo & Associates, PC, our New York traffic violation attorneys understand the importance of taking every traffic violation seriously. Founding Counsel Michael J. Palumbo, Esq. is a former police officer who uses his training and experience to provide his clients with every strategy his experience has taught him. Many lawyers boast that they are former judges and former prosecutors. However, only a former cop has training and experience in the radar equipment and police traffic enforcement tactics.
We offer our assistance in defending against all traffic violations, including:
- VTL § 1180, Speeding
- VTL § 1172, Stop Sign
- VTL § 1111, Red Light
- VTL § 511, Driving While Suspended
- VTL § 509, Unlicensed Operation
- VTL § 319, Uninsured Operation
- VTL § 1212, Reckless Driving
- VTL § 1129, Following Too Closely
- VTL § 600, Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- VTL § 1225, Cell Phone Violation
- VTL § 1144-A, Failure to Yield / Move Over
- VTL § 1229, Unrestrained Minor
Driver Responsibility Assessment Program
In addition to a license suspension, accumulation of 6 or more points on your license in an 18 month period will result in a $300 fee for the first six points and $75 for each additional point. Conviction of driving without insurance will cause a $750.00 assessment, as well as being convicted of an alcohol or drug-related offense and / or refused to take a chemical test.

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